Traditional acupuncture allows us
to treat more than your pain.
Traditional acupuncture is a method of needling that has been used with great success in Eastern medical systems for thousands of years. It allows us to treat more than your pain, as pain rarely happens in isolation. Co-existing symptoms (see list below) often impair your body’s ability to heal, and identifying and treating each one is crucial – without doing this your body will struggle to heal, and pain will persist.
The style of traditional acupuncture we use (Japanese influence), involves the use of small needles inserted along the meridian lines of your body. The most common areas needled are the foot/shin, hand/forearm, stomach and back. It is generally pain free, very relaxing and gets some impressive results.
Some of the co-existing symptoms or issues that we can address or manage with traditional acupuncture are:
- Menopause – hot flushes, trouble sleeping, headaches, constipation, irritability
- Endometriosis (management of endometriosis almost always involves other health practitioners)
- Sleep disturbance and/or insomnia
- Stress/anxiety/poor mental health
- Fatigue
- Digestive issues – irritable bowel, loose bowels, constipation, food intolerances, bloating, lack of appetite
- Pregnancy and post natal recovery (there are limits on what we can do during pregnancy for safety reasons)
- Immune dysfunction
- Chronic inflammation or inflammatory disorders
(Please note that diagnosed chronic diseases are not curable, but traditional acupuncture can help in management of symptoms)